The Navy has launched a new initiative called a “call to service” aimed at engaging scientists and engineers from around the country to tackle military challenges. Key focus areas for this strategy include autonomy, artificial intelligence, power and energy, and manufacturing. While specific details on how the Navy will achieve these objectives are not outlined, partnerships with key research institutions like the Office of Naval Research and the Naval War College are expected to play a pivotal role in driving progress.
An Air Force proposal to transfer National Guard space units to the Space Force has sparked disapproval from state governors, with the National Governors Association calling for the withdrawal of the legislation. Governors argue that reducing their authority over National Guard units could negatively impact military readiness, recruitment, retention, and infrastructure. Meanwhile, agencies like NASA and the Labor Department have secured additional funding for IT modernization projects, with a focus on cybersecurity and application modernization to enhance operational capabilities.
In the realm of cybersecurity, U.S. Cyber Command (CYBERCOM) is exploring new force generation models to bolster its digital warfare capabilities. The command is considering a shift towards a more independent operational structure similar to that of the U.S. Special Operations Command. Additionally, the Department of Veterans Affairs is evaluating over 4,000 positions that may face a downgrade in pay scales, sparking concerns among affected employees. As cyber attacks continue to pose a growing threat, the National Institute of Standards and Technology is seeking feedback on updated recommendations for cyber incident response tied to the Cybersecurity Framework 2.0.