European stocks opened lower on Thursday, with the Stoxx 600 index down 0.26% at the open. Travel and autos were among the sectors leading losses, both down around 0.8%. This decline in European stocks at the start of trading reflects a cautious mood among investors as they react to the latest economic data and global market trends.
Meanwhile, in extended trading, several stocks made significant moves. Broadcom saw its shares jump 13% after surpassing fiscal second-quarter expectations and announcing a 10-for-1 stock split. On the other hand, Dave & Buster’s Entertainment experienced a 9.5% drop in its shares due to falling short of quarterly revenue expectations. Additionally, Virgin Galactic saw its shares plummet 16% after its board of directors approved a 1-for-20 reverse stock split. These moves in the stock market after hours indicate the ongoing volatility and uncertainty in the market that investors must navigate.