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HomeFinance NewsInfluencer Caroline Gleich seeks Senate seat, pushes for updated campaign regulations.

Influencer Caroline Gleich seeks Senate seat, pushes for updated campaign regulations.

Caroline Gleich, a professional ski mountaineer and online content creator, is seeking to update Federal Election Commission rules that affect online influencers. She filed a request to exempt sponsored social media posts from campaign finance regulations that could be categorized as coordinated communication and counted as in-kind political contributions, requiring disclosure in campaign finance reports. Gleich argues that influencers face disadvantages under the current rules, which have disrupted her sponsorships and hindered her ability to secure new deals.

As the first full-time content creator to run for Congress, Gleich highlights the challenges that influencers face in navigating the political landscape. She emphasizes the need for the FEC to adapt its regulations to accommodate the growing presence of influencers in politics and to recognize the importance of social media savvy in elected officials. However, campaign finance experts note that existing rules were crafted before the influencer era and may need to be updated to reflect the evolving digital landscape.

Despite the potential impact of Gleich’s request, the FEC has not commented on the matter. The challenge poses a broader question about incorporating influencers into the political sphere and creating equitable rules that do not hinder individuals with diverse backgrounds and careers from seeking federal office. Gleich’s deputy campaign manager, Ben Anderson, believes that modifying regulations could encourage more internet-based professionals to run for office and contribute to a more inclusive political landscape.

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