Individuals who enjoy engaging with daily word games such as Wordle may find Hurdle a valuable addition to their gaming activities. The Hurdle game consists of five rounds where the objective of the first round is to guess the correct word. As players make guesses, correct, misplaced, and incorrect letters are indicated for each attempt. Successfully guessing the word advances the player to the next round, with the previous round’s solution serving as the starting guess for the subsequent hurdle. This mechanism may offer multiple clues or none, depending on the words used. In the final hurdle, every correct answer from the past rounds is displayed with the precise and misplaced letters identified.
It is important to note that the frequency with which a letter appears in previous guesses does not necessarily correlate with how often that letter will appear in the final hurdle. Should players find themselves confused by any step in today’s Hurdle, assistance is available.
For the first word, the hint is “More mature,” and the answer is “RIPER.” The hint for the second word is “To uplift,” with “BOOST” being the answer. The third word hint is “A gathering place for a meal,” and the answer is “TABLE.” The fourth word hint is “Killed,” with the answer being “SLAIN.” The final hurdle hint is “An unpleasant sound made while asleep,” and the solution is “SNORE.”
For those interested in exploring additional puzzles, Mashable offers a variety of games including Mahjong, Sudoku, and free crosswords. These can be accessed through their games hub.